More women to work are the key to sustainable countries’ economic growth
Job creation and employment progress are essential to driving sustained growth in emerging and developing countries. The consequences of employment and working considerably impact individual satisfaction and growing societies. Women contributing to economic activities is a top priority which cannot be easily avoided.
In today’s world, women are seen as active, productive and effective indicators, which definitely contribute to economic development, social justice and an increase in the quantity and quality of human resources. In recent years, women in Asia significantly contributed to the success of export-oriented manufacturing growth.
Under the data provided from the developed Southeast Asia countries, for every 100 male prime workers, there are only 83 working women. That means the average rate of women is notably higher than in member countries of the Economic Cooperation Development Organization (Global Gender Gap Report, 2021).
Despite the necessity of women’s social and economic presence, by emphasizing women’s employment, some laws and regulations or the customs of societies cause restrictions for women. The latest data revealed that the participation rate of Iranian women was 9.1%, which showed that only two million women of the whole population are in employment. At the same time, the proportion of men’s employment participation at the same time was 60.8%, which indicates a population of fourteen million men in the labour market.
This statistic indicated that only two million out of Iran’s sixteen million active and working population are women.
The recent Iranian census 2021 showed the employment rate of less than 4.4 million, and the women’s economic share is falling to less than 14% in autumn 2020, considerably below the world average. While according to the Iranian demographics population, the percentage of the women population is 49.53% compare to the 50% male counter group.
The issue of women’s employment has always faced the traditional attitude for women having the caretaking role, either children or house. This attitude considerably influences Iranian women as unemployment in graduated women is disappointing statistics. About 70% of unemployed women are university graduates, while only 28% of educated men are unemployed. Despite the very small share of educated women in economics, more study is required to find the disappointing unemployment rate of skilled women, the top highest graduate population in the world.